• Divisions: the area under one executive. e.g. the Engineering division.
  • Departments: lead by Directors or VPs and comprise multiple teams or sub-departments e.g. the Infrastructure department within the Engineering division
  • Sub-departments: lead by Directors or Senior Managers and comprised of multiple teams e.g. the Enablement Sub-department within the Development department
  • Compartments: lead by Senior Managers and comprised of multiple teams where the Sub-department structure is already used e.g. the Manage Compartment with the Dev Sub-department
  • Teams: constitute departments and are made of a line manager and their direct reports e.g. the Security operations team within the Security Department

In many ways, we are organized by output. This way we can ensure that responsibilities don’t overlap. We also ensure every department has a clear priority.

how can we help you?

Contact us at the nearest office so we can treat you inquiry, you may call us or send an email.

This is day three. Today is March 19, 2019. We installed this product three days ago. Water Tech, as some of their competitors, are reputable companies in business for many years; I don’t think they would manufacture substandard products. Their Products Could not be a defective product. It happens in the best of families.

Sameera Jahan
House Wife,

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